Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spring Fundraiser Luncheon

Details about the Spring Fundraiser Luncheon:

Carter Brothers BBQ will be served!

Date:  Sunday, April 7

Time:  Lunch will be available and served from 11am-2pm  (Girls will have the opportunity to work a shift (or multiple shifts if they choose).  Each shift will be an hour (shifts will begin at 10:30 and end at 2:30.  There will be a sign up sheet available starting Tuesday night.)  We will also need some parents to help with set up, serving, and clean up (sign up sheets will be available starting Tuesday night).

Location:  CBC Gym

We will need girls to provide the drinks this year:
Honeybees & Pioneers:  Lemonade
Tenderhearts:  Tea (1 gallon per girl please)
Explorers:  2 Liter sodas (1 per girl please)

Cost:  $9/plate
Includes:  Choice of BBQ or chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, hushpuppies, and your choice of beverage and dessert.

  • Each girl is required to sell 5 plates
  • Three tickets will be given to each girl on Tuesday night (2/5/13).  
  • Multiple plates can be purchased and should be recorded on one ticket.
  • The buy-out for this fundraiser is $20 if you choose not to participate.
  • If you need more tickets, please let us know.
  • If you have extra tickets, please return them to us.
  • There will only be a limited number of tickets available at the door.  Pre-sales are very important so we have an accurate plate count.
  • Turn in extra tickets and all money no later than March 19th.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chick-fil-a -- Don't forget!

Don't forget!

We will be at Chick-fil-a on N. Main St. tomorrow night from 5-8pm for Spirit Night!

Just tell the cashier you are supporting AHG so we will get credit.  Purchases from 3pm-8pm will count; drive thru purchases even count also! :-)

Even if your daughter isn't working a shift, please consider coming out to support AHG!  And spread the word to all of your friends and family!

Friday, January 25, 2013

AHG Annual Sleepover Cancelled

We have prayed over and discussed our sleepover scheduled for tonight and have decided to go ahead and cancel the event.  Although they are expected anywhere from a dusting -2" depending on who you watch, the main issue is the freezing rain that might come later.  Additionally nothing that falls will melt which means that Saturday morning might be pretty tricky.
We know that the girls will be disappointed, but we hope that by letting you know before tomorrow you will be able to rearrange your plans.  Additionally, we hope to reschedule this event, pending CBC schedules and the AHG calendar. 
Thank you for your understanding.
Stay warm!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Valentines for Soldiers

Random Acts of Kindness

Yesterday we were able to perform a RAK!

A young lady we know hurt her foot and hasn't been able to get out much. She even had to miss work yesterday because of it.

So we seized the opportunity to do a kindness for her.

We took her a milkshake - we all know ice cream makes everything better!

I'm looking forward to seeing some of your Random Acts of Kindness!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Reminder - no girl meetings tomorrow night 1/22/13

Just a reminder that we have our monthly leaders' meeting tomorrow night, no girl meetings.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chick-fil-a Spirit Night - Monday, January 28

Our second Chick-fil-a Spirit Night fundraiser is scheduled for Monday, January 28 at the N. Main location.

We will be covering the hours from 5-8pm.

There are 2 shifts available (5-6:30 and 6:30-8:00).

Remember each girl is required to cover 2 shifts this year (out of 6 total choices). In accordance with the fundraiser buyout plan, if you choose not to participate in this fundraiser, the buyout is $15.

We really need at least 6 girls per time slot.

As an added incentive, if your daughter covers more than the 2 required shifts, we will allow her to earn service hours for the time above and beyond the requirement, at 1/2 time. So if she covers 1 extra shift of an hour and a half, she would earn 45 minutes service time.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

At this point, we need to go ahead and line up our "workers" for the 28th. Please let me know if your daughter is available and which shift she would like to work (5-6:30 or 6:30-8:00).



Monday, January 14, 2013

Program Support Fee is Now Due

Please turn in your $20 Program Support Fee to Danielle or Erin.

If you can turn it in tomorrow night, that is great. If your daughter's squad will be meeting on the 29th, Danielle and Erin will both be there so can take it that night as well.

Please have it in no later than our first meeting in February (2/5).

Thank you!

Support Our Soldiers

I just received an email from AHG National. They have received a request for handmade Valentine cards for soldiers.

I apologize for the short notice.

If you would like to participate, please have your daughter make some valentines and bring them tomorrow night. The deadline is January 28. Tomorrow night is the last time I will see you guys before the deadline.

This can be counted as service hours for your daughter.

I will collect any valentine cards you have tomorrow night and mail them to the appropriate person at AHG.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve our military.

Ceremony - 1/15

Please have your daughter to her squad's classroom no later than 6:30 tomorrow night. You may then proceed to the Worship Center and find a seat. We plan to begin promptly at 6:45.

All girls should be in full uniform.

Thank you!

Annual Sleepover - January 25

Hello AHG Families,

We are very excited about the annual sleepover. We will be working on the Theater badge and are very excited about the potential of having professional actors and actresses to share the knowledge of their craft and teach the girls some acting skills. Then, the girls will have an opportunity to create their own skits for the unit! We will throw in some game time, free time, and of course lots of laughter.

Here are the general details:

Drop-off: 6:15 PM Friday night
Pick-up: 9:30 AM Saturday morning

Bring your own dinner for Friday night
Dress up clothes and props for skits (label with name!)
Water bottle with name
Snack to put in a central area to share (trail mix, chips, brownies, etc.)
Games for free time

Strawberries: 3 bananas each
Blueberries: small box pop tarts
Abby's Emeralds: 3 bagels
Erin's Emeralds: ½ doz. Doughnuts
Pioneers: 4 gallons of orange juice and 2 containers of cream cheese

We strongly ask that you not allow your daughter to bring any electronics or phones with her (kindle, itouch, etc.).

The sleepover permission slip was attached to an email to all families and can also be found in the "Files" section of the Yahoo Group. Please turn your permission slip in on Tuesday night after the ceremony to your leader. Additionally, please rsvp your intentions if you, the mom, are planning on attending as well. *Pathfinders (K) and 1st grade Tenderhearts are required to have a parent stay with them.*

We will send out a more detail agenda next week. This should be a very fun night for everyone!

Kelsey Dumoulin
Troop Vice-Coordinator

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Matthew 5:16 & Random Acts of Kindness

Matthew 5:16 says "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

I have been burdened over the last month or so to really try to live this and to show Jesus' love. I have thought there would be no better way to do this than through random acts of kindness. I'm sure you've all seen the many ways to do this - taping quarters to a soda machine, leaving baby diapers and wipes at a changing station, paying for the customer behind you in a restaurant or store, all complete with a note of explanation. Some of the ones I've seen are very simple, others are quite elaborate.

So, I'm issuing a challenge to each of our AHG families.......

I challenge each family to complete one Random Act of Kindness by Valentine's Day (can be done on Valentine's Day also) - so by the end of the day on February 14, I challenge you to have completed one RAK.

Take pictures of your family throughout the process. Send the photos to me (Erin).

*As a side note - you can also count this type of project as service hours for your daughter*

Ceremony 1/15/13 - Help Needed

We are in need of a few things still for the ceremony on Tuesday night:

2 bottles of sprite

Italian Ice/sherbet – pineapple (white in color) - need 2 quarts

Please let me know if you are able to help in providing any of these items.

Thank you!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Reminder & Announcements - January 8

We have a regular meeting tomorrow night - January 8, 2013. We hope to see everyone there! We will be practicing for next week's ceremony.

There will be a sign up sheet for some needed items for the ceremony. Please stop by the table outside the PowerUp Room tomorrow night to see if you can help out.

Other upcoming events:

January 15 GLAM - Mid-year Awards Ceremony
January 22 Leaders' Meeting
January 25 Sleepover
January 28 Chick-fil-a Spirit Night
January 29 No meetings - some squads are meeting - see specific emails from leaders

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Upcoming Events!

Saturday, January 5 - Tenderhearts will be doing a service project. See emails from leaders for specifics.

Tuesday, January 8 - Regular meeting - Welcome Back! - We will be doing a practice run-through of the ceremony from 7:20-7:45 so if your daughter is not in her normal classroom just wait in the hallway and they will return as soon as we have finished our practice.

Tuesday, January 15 - Mid-Year Awards Ceremony - Please plan to attend to encourage your daughter! We will start around 6:45; girls should still arrive at 6:30.

Tuesday, January 22 - Leaders' Meeting - no girl meetings

Friday, January 25 - Annual Sleepover! Watch for more details. K and 1st grade girls require a parent to stay with them.

Monday, January 28 - Chick-fil-a Spirit Night

Tuesday, January 29 - Fifth Tuesday - no meetings unless your leader has specified differently - I know the Tenderhearts are meeting.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Save the Date; Plan to Attend!

Our Mid-Year Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, January 15 in the Worship Center at CBC. We will get started around 6:45.

Please plan to attend with your daughter(s).